Welcome to Barefoot Benny Personal Fitness, an NYC-based personal training company dedicated to getting you in the best shape of your life with natural and fun exercise programs. On the site you will find information about Barefoot Benny and the advantages of training at one of his boot camps, personalized workout sessions, or barefoot/Pose running clinics. Feel free to send him an email at [email protected].
Barefoot Benny Boot Camp Schedule
***Click on the date for event details***
-All Barefoot Benny Boot Camps are 1-hour. Cost is $25.
-Ask about discounted 5 or 10 packs! -GOING BAREFOOT IS NOT REQUIRED! - feel free to wear your sneakers -Ask about the referral program... Please Bring: -Water bottle -Pair of light gloves (not necessary, but useful in case you don't want to get your hands dirty) Cancellation Policy -You may cancel up to 24 hours before class -Classes are held rain or shine Barefoot/Pose Running Clinic Schedule
Barefoot Running Clinics are a little over an hour and cost $25. We meet in Central Park. There is a 10 person limit per clinic, so reserve your spot now! |
News!*Barefoot Benny ran the ING New York City Marathon on Nov. 4th, 2012! Help him raise money for a good cause!
*Sign up for a barefoot running lesson - you're knees will thank you! Wait! Get This First...
A Little About Barefooting

While being completely barefoot is great, it may not always be feasible or appropriate. Going barefoot can also include minimalist footwear like Vibram FiveFingers, Vivo Barefoots, or even five dollar aqua socks from Wal-Mart. Basically anything with a thin, flexible sole and very little to no padding or arch support works for our purposes. Not only is being barefoot fun, but it’s also beneficial while working out, and can improve form while eliminating pain while running.
When you were a child, do you remember running around lush, green lawns, wriggling your toes in the grass? Do you remember being outside during a rainstorm and jumping in puddles with nothing on your feet? When was the last time you were on a beach and really appreciated how good it felt to clench your toes in the sand and feel the billions of grains sift through them? Have you ever walked through the supermarket and wondered what the cold linoleum tiles felt like? How about when you’re waiting for the subway and standing on the platform edge – what would those hundreds of little bumps feel like on your bare feet? Maybe they could be a free foot massage instead of just a warning strip. Keep reading...
Besides just being fun, there are many advantages to exercising without your Nikes or Asics. Working out barefoot enables all the muscles through an individual's entire kinetic chain to work together in functional movements along three planes of motion (frontal, sagittal, and transverse), thereby challenging the exerciser's whole body. Keep reading...
More than ever before, the growing interest in barefoot running has provided the running community with both more scientific and anecdotal evidence in support of shucking off your shoes. Keep reading...
When you were a child, do you remember running around lush, green lawns, wriggling your toes in the grass? Do you remember being outside during a rainstorm and jumping in puddles with nothing on your feet? When was the last time you were on a beach and really appreciated how good it felt to clench your toes in the sand and feel the billions of grains sift through them? Have you ever walked through the supermarket and wondered what the cold linoleum tiles felt like? How about when you’re waiting for the subway and standing on the platform edge – what would those hundreds of little bumps feel like on your bare feet? Maybe they could be a free foot massage instead of just a warning strip. Keep reading...
Besides just being fun, there are many advantages to exercising without your Nikes or Asics. Working out barefoot enables all the muscles through an individual's entire kinetic chain to work together in functional movements along three planes of motion (frontal, sagittal, and transverse), thereby challenging the exerciser's whole body. Keep reading...
More than ever before, the growing interest in barefoot running has provided the running community with both more scientific and anecdotal evidence in support of shucking off your shoes. Keep reading...