These websites are some of my favorite to learn about the benefits of exercising barefoot, barefoot running, and to learn about fitness in general. Enjoy!
- "You Walk Wrong" - A great article about barefooting from NY Magazine
- Runner's World Barefoot Running Forum - Discussion for all things barefoot running
- - Excellent site for beginner and experienced barefoot runners
- Born to Run - Incredible book about Tarahumara Indians and ultramarathons
- Central Park Runners Map - Mileage map of Central Park running routes
- - Site about an alternative running technique called Pose Running
- Running barefoot Harvard study - Scientific explanation for barefoot running
- Birthday Shoes - Excellent site about real people using their VFF's
- What is Wrong With High School Track - Well written article about barefoot running and nose breathing
- National Academy of Sports Medicine - One of the top personal training certification companies
- Runner's Goal - Marathon training and motivation for runners
- Vibram FiveFingers - Shoes to go barefoot without going barefoot
- Vivo Barefoot - Casual barefoot shoes
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