I agree with some of their principles, like exercising in a more natural manner instead of only lifting heavy weights at the gym, but the whole fasting aspect doesn't really jibe with my stomach. I'm sure if cavemen could eat around the clock and had access to more food, they would have eaten more. Their lack of knowledge in domesticating animals made them dependent hunters, not their desire to live day to day.
One of the reasons the article caught my eye wasn't because these people are societal outliers or freaks (they're just being individuals, than you very much), but because I recognized the name of the guys being interviewed. John Durant is the manager of themeetup .com barefoot running group in NYC, and I've been meaning to join them for a group run one of these days. I keep interesting company, eh?
For more information of the caveman lifestyle, check out some of the interesting articles written by Mark Sisson of Mark'sDailyApple.com, who also advocates a primal lifestyle in the modern world. Unfortunately there's a lot of marketing on the site for his supplements and books, but you can get the gist of his ideas and theories on diet and exercise.