Well, this Memorial Day weekend, take some time from stuffing your face with cheeseburgers and steak and hot dogs and potato salad and more cheeseburgers drizzled with truffle oil and just a little bit of pepper and some caramelized onions and mushrooms sauteed in oil...mmmmmm....and do this Quick Workout Of the Day. If you have time, do it two different days and try to do it faster than the previous workout.
Now get out there and crush some burgers and burpees!
QWOD for Memorial Day weekend, 2011
- Mountain climbers - 45 seconds (keep your bum low)
- Switching foot jabs - 45 seconds (In right fighting stance with right foot forward, jab with the right, then hop into left fighting stance with left foot forward and jab with the left. Keep switching and punching)
- Two 30-second supermans
- 3-way single leg balance reach - 8 per leg (straight leg forward, side, back = 1 rep)
- Drink break for 45 seconds
- 15 burpees with GOOD PUSHUPS
- 1:45 forearm plank (don't let those hips drop)
- 23 single leg squats per leg (feel the burn baby!)
- 25 dips (raise a leg if you're feeling strong)
- Drink break for 45 seconds
- 30 prisoner squats with calf raises (hands behind head the whole time, hold that calf raise for 1 second)
- Bent over back flys- 1 minute (Go SLOW and squeeze those shoulder blades together. Keep your back straight and look up the whole time)
- Opposite arm/opposite leg for 45 seconds per side
- 15 more burpees (yea baby!)