Do it with pride, give your all, and get ready for tomorrow's finale!
- Pushups to tabletops (do a pushup, flip over into a tabletop, flip back over into plank and do a pushup, continue for 45 seconds)
- Single leg hip rotations - 20 slowly per leg
- 3-way leg lifts - max reps (on your back, lower straight legs to left, middle, right, left middle, right...) If this hurts your back, hold a plank for max time
- 30 jumps squats (get nice and deep in that squat!)
- 25 dips (do some on 1 leg if you can)
- 15 diamond pushups
- 5 bridges with 10-second holds
- 1 superman hold for 35 seconds (keep those limbs off the ground!)