I'll be doing writeups this week on other lesser-known fruit, like the pluot, apple-pears, and the Buddha's hand. Be sure to check back daily.
Figs looks like fat little soft pudgy things, and their innards have a unique, mushy texture, complemented by their tough little seeds that give it a slightly crunchy consistency. I personally love biting into one, but I can see how many people (especially tomato haters) might think it's gross. Here are a few fun facts about the fig fruit:
- The edible fig is one of the first plants cultivated by humans
- Since ripe figs do not transport well, most are dried or processed into jams or Fig Newton cookies
- Turkey is the top fig producer in the world
- Figs are extremely high in calcium and fiber
- Fig leaves are used to cover naked people in the Bible (think Adam and Eve)
Enjoy some figs or other fruit in the afternoon and get thinner the natural way!